Thursday, April 30, 2020

Daffodil Tour Part Two 2

Daffodil 'Merlin'
The second part of the Daffodil tour is a bit late since many of the varieties have finished blooming. Late blooming Daffodils are among the best because their fragrance is unmatched by the earlier blooming types. Later ones also have more unique shapes and colors. Unfortunate this year a mid month snowstorm/ice/extrema cold ( down to 22.F ) put a damper on the second half of the display. none the less it was still enjoyable!

Daffodil 'Tahiti' 4/20/20

Daffodil 'Rosey Cloud' 4/22/20
Couple of Double Daffodils here Tahiti is one actually an old variety with red/orange color in the center. Rosey Cloud is newer and is almost more of a semi double then an actual double. Finding double varieties that don't flop is hard because the extra added weight of the petals makes them susceptible to bending. These two varieties did very well!

Daffodil 'Thalia' 4/22/20
Unknown variety 4/22/20

I don't recall what the Daffodil on left is, and the tag has been lost. Its a nice lemony colored one surrounded by white petals. Thalia is a unique almost spidery-looking one with full white on white coloring. I have been enjoying how different it is

Daffodil 'Double Fashion' 4/22/20

Daffodil' O'Bodkin' 4/22/20

Double Fashion showed it being a really nice ruffly Daffodil in the photos but instead its a semi-double with a nice orange center. This other one I bought as O'Bodkin but honestly it looks nothing like the photo which showed it being a multi head blooming type. I still like none the less, such nice pink coloring!

Daffodil 'Geranium' 4/24/20
Daffodil 'Marinette' 4/24/20

These two Daffodils are multi headed ones, these types are the most fragrant of all and it is quite sweet. They remind me of paper whites the way they grow!

Daffodil 'Scarlet Gem'4/22/20

Daffodil 'Cheerfulness' 4/24/20
 More Muli-headed Daffodils. Scarlet Gem is extra fragrant for some reason. I love to smell the blooms- oddly this one is one of the first to come up but among the last to flower. Cheerfulness is a double blooming one also nicely fragrant. It looks like its loosing a bit of its double-blooming nature meaning it may not be a stable cultivar.

Daffodil 'Poets' 4/30/20
Poets Daffodil is always the very last one to bloom in my yard, its special in that its tall with smaller blooms which are intensely fragrant. They bloom so late because they are from a region in Switzerland that is cold until very late in the season. So naturally these love cool springs and dislike heat. These will bloom into May meaning I've had Daffodils from February all the way into May- not bad at all! I love seeing Poets Daffodil even though it means the season will soon come to and end.

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