Sunday, March 15, 2020

Early Season Daffodils/Flowers

Daffodil 'Rijnveld's Early Sensation'

The early season Daffodils have really taken off quite nicely, the weather has cooled compared to last week and it even snowed a little yesterday but the this is the best type of weather that makes the flowers last the longest and be their brightest in terms of color because cool temps bring the color out. There are 4 varieties blooming right now Daffodil 'Monal' and Daffodil 'Ice Follie' not pictured in this post. The one above is called Rijnvelds Early Sensation which was added 2 years ago, its becoming one of my favorite classic yellow Daffodil because it has a nice shape and blooms early, I'm making a mental note now to add more this fall to other gardens.

Daffodil 'Tete a Tete' & Crocus
Daffodil 'Tete a Tete' the final variety currently blooming is a type that has made it in every spring garden I've ever planted. It's the perfect miniature Daffodil that form clumps of bright cheery blooms, yes the flowers are smaller but they make up for it in high numbers. They are sweetly fragrant as well. This little combination above with the purple Crocus was accidental, when the bulbs went in, I was expecting the Daffodils would bloom later then Crocus, a happy accident that looks really great together! Another thing worth mentioning when planning out your spring garden its always a really good idea to make sure the small blooming plants go in the front and the larger bloomers go towards the back, otherwise the small guys will be overshadowed by the bigger plants. Note that even the taller Daffodils in the back are the same plant as the small ones so pay attention to the packages to put the tallest Daffodils towards the back.

Blue Snow Iris
Cannot remember the variety on this but the color is a very intense lightning blue. It's quite eye popping. There is another variety of Snow Iris that was shown last week called Iris Reticulata 'katharine hodgkin' also beautiful but its very pale in color compared to this one. The lightning blue is not nearly as early blooming as Katharine Hodkin, it blooms a week later.

Lenten Roses
The Lenten Rose are really starting to show off as well. The black one is one I've had in my gardens for 3 or 4 years and it made the move to my new house from my old one. Last year this double one was added to complement the colors of the dark one. It was purchased with a mixed tag so it could have been pink, yellow or the color above. I was really hoping it would be the one above and lucky enough it was!

Spring Garden as of 3/15/2020
 This week the dark purple Crocus has joined in, the colors alongside the Yellow really pop like jewels especially in the setting sun during the evening hours. There are at least 30 or so other varieties of Daffodils and other spring bulbs in my gardens that are getting very close to blooming so the show is long from over. Other signs of spring in the yard include, grass which is starting to green up a bit after some moisture the past few days. Forsythia is starting to push and I can see yellow starting to appear and Silver Maple trees have bloomed already.

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