Sunday, February 17, 2019

Winter is Back With a Vengeance

Back yard as of 2/17/19

So the snow being gone in my last post only lasted 3 days and since then we've gotten 3 snowfalls and the one last night was a big one. We've gotten over 13" of snow so far this month which is twice what we should typically expect this month and on Wednesday we could see another 4-5" seems like every 3 days or so it snows. We are definitely making up for that 1st half of winter being season. Hard to even picture that last year this time I was cleaning the gardens off for spring season with spring flowers coming up and blooming.

Fence to keep rabbits away
Not much going on in the garden this week because of continued winter, however I did come across one issue that has come up. I live in an area that has rabbits and when we have harsh winters like they get very ravenous. Normally we have at least a week between snowfalls and its not usual to have total melt offs in between those snows especially in February. This year we've had snow after snow and its been piling up keeping the grass/their food source covered. When this happens rabbits turn to eating twigs and bark off young trees and shrubs.  This becomes very damaging because those plants can be taken down to nubs and even completely killed. I've notice damage happening to plants rabbits normally would not dare eat which is just a sign of how harsh its been. I knew not long after moving in I had rabbits so I took measures back in November to fence them off. The problem this week though is the snow has gotten so high they are almost completely covered and they can just get over them now to help with this I've had to add more fence over the top to make sure they say out.

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