Monday, February 24, 2020

Actual spring ( I guess )

Garden View 2/24/2020
Well I thought it was still winter but the weather has continue to be very spring-like. Well, that comes with a disclaimer because we had two little hiccups in the weather including one night when it hit -9 which actually was the coldest night of the winter, it came with barely any snowcover to protect sprouting plants, due to this some of the early spring flowers were damaged and even destroyed.  However since then, temperatures have warmed back up and the remaining snowcover is gone. The past few days we've had highs in 40s and 50s and yesterday it was 66.F. So I decided that it may indeed be early spring ( arrives at different times every year in Iowa ) and decided to get in the garden early and take off all of last years withered foliage. The removal of all this makes the landscape look so barren, the time from now until the spring plants get fuller is the only time of year that my yard matches the surrounding houses.

Winter Aconite Bloomed 2/22/2020
 The Snowdrops are continuing to be in full bloom but another has joined the show. Some Winter Aconite were seen starting to bloom in the Woodland Garden, these are really cool plants because they literally pop up overnight, I was watching closely one day and went back to that spot the next and there they were, blooming. They also really like to be planted in spots that are full shade- in the summer months, the reason for this is because even though these are planted under a Sugar Maple, its full sun this time of year without leafcover. I added another couple packages of these last fall because of how well these have preformed for me. They sort of look like Crocus but unlike those these are rabbit and squirrel proof.

Lenten Rose As of 2/24/2020
This Lenten Rose actually started to sprout prior to 2020 starting, last December when we had all that warm weather then. It was protected under the snow. The big cold snap mentioned above did cause damage to some of the blooms, so when a second cold snap threatened I covered with a piece of builders installation to prevent further damage since this is one of my favorite for its black flower color. Removing the leave reviled its already almost blooming and probably will be in a couple of weeks.

Tulips 2/24/2020
Group of Snowdrops 2/23/20200

This one little group of Snowdrops ( Elwesii ) is being a bit of a showoff having a dozen blooms or so in one little spot, haven't seen that one before, ironically it didn't have any last year so I guess its making up for lost time. Tulips are also really started to pop after yesterdays high of 64. Cleaning the garden was a difficult task this year as 90% of the spring bulbs were already up when it came time to remove last years foliage. The ground never really froze this winter giving the bulbs that head start. We'll see how things look in another week or two!

Monday, February 10, 2020


Front yard view 2/10/2020

In my last post it was mentioned that this winter was reminding me of 2019 never ending snow, well now that more time has gone by that could not be farther form the truth. The snow basically shut off, one day last week was absolutely beautiful with sunny skies it went to 57 degrees, that was the day the snowcover took a huge hit. Ever since then it has been in the upper 30s to lower 40s most days and the remaining snowcover has been slowly receding. It's Winter but it seems an awful lot like early spring winter, Wasn't sure what to call it so I called it Sprinter. Much more a fan of the way the weather has been this year compared to last when we had 2 feet of snow on the ground until nearly mid March, this year has been much more like the other 5 years I've been in Iowa where the snowcover "comes and goes"

Snowdrops in full bloom 2/10/2020
The snowdrops are in full bloom this week, by far the earliest I've recorded. What's strange is that it doesn't seem to make a difference if they are near the house or out in the middle of the yard there blooming all over. I tried to put snow on them but they just keep popping through and blooming away happily. Typically these reach full flower at the end of the month to early March. This year they have been flowering since around January 9th.

Daffodils 2/10/2020

Daffodils are way out, again much farther then I've ever seen for it being so early in the season. It seems they are only a week or two away from blooming which beyond unusual. March is more typical blooming time for these, however this particular variety 'Rijnveld's Early Sensation' is known for being quite early and this is only the second year in the garden so I am unsure of whats considered normal timing for these. 

More Daffodils 2/10/2020
Here is another patch of Daffodils which might be 'Scarlet O' Hara' and a couple mornings ago the mulch was being lifted up by these vigorous way-to-eagar bulbs. We have two more nice days coming up before we have a brief one day arctic outbreak Thursday temperatures will go below zero. I'm a bit concerned since it doesn't look like it comes with snowcover which is natures protective blanket so they will be unprotected. Hopefully it will not ruin the bulb show later on in the season.  I guess we will find out.