Goldenrod 9/15/19 |
For most gardeners, were heading towards an end of the season leaving gardens looking tired and colorless. This time of year is extra important for pollinators looking to get ready for winter hibernation. Having flowers that bloom late will help them accomplish this and it will give you more excitement and color to enjoy for that extra month or two and the end of the season! As you already know I prefer native plants in my garden. This is the season of Goldenrod & Asters so I find plenty of both blooming throughout this week. Native plants are very rare in my neighborhood so this time of year bees flock to my yard, I found at least 8 bumblebees on this one Goldenrod flower above. The wildlife has been enjoying this late season heatwave we have been having. It's been near 90 off and on that past few days. Rainfall has been extremely plentiful all season.
New England Aster 9/15/19 |
Smooth Blue Aster 9/15/19 |
Asters are one of my all time favorite flowers for that needed late season color. I have several types of Aster, unfortunately rabbits like them as well, especially in the spring as new growth begins. Due to this reason I have to cage all my Asters until summer when growth becomes sour tasting to them. It doesn't look good early on but the color now really does make it worth the work. Left is strait New England Aster which easily gets 4' tall 4' wide. I have Purple Dome as well and like this type a bit more because it only gets 2-3' fall and wide. Right side is Smooth Blue Aster which is tolerant of part shade. This one gets 4' tall but it only gets 1' wide.
Goldenrod 9/15/19 |
Not exactly sure what type of Goldenrod this is but I really enjoy the fully lush flowers is has. It doesn't get very tall unlike some Goldrods, this one for the past couple of years has remained about 2' tall 2' wide and has not been aggressive. Some wild types can spread quite a bit in the garden but if you choose the right varieties you can find many that are really tame and actually quite showy.
Turtlehead 9/15/19 |
I've been getting quite a few questions about this one and people wondering what it is. This is a native plant called Turtlehead variety is hot lips. This plant is late season bloomer in part shade
Bottle Gentian |
Here is another one of the more interesting late season color flowers that I have. This is another native plant called Bottle Gentian. The plant remains low and for me crawls along the ground. The flowers are naturally shaped like bottles and always look like their closed. Bees have to work extra hard to get to the pollen of these plants having to force themselves inside the blooms which then close behind the bees. After they collect the pollen inside they open the flower and crawl out. I also have a natural cultivar called cream gentian which has whitish flowers.